Tag Archives: vacation

Put an Egg on it

I’ve talked just a little bit on here about how last year I went on a trip to Europe. My husband and I started our trip in Barcelona before embarking on a week long cruise. The entire trip was a … Continue reading

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On Resolutions

I’m not the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions. I’m the kind of person who wakes up in the morning with an idea, spends hours planning the idea out, and then jumps into it before I can change … Continue reading

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Vacation Capsule

So before my big trip, I planned out some outfits so I would be able to pack as minimally as possible. I wanted to follow up on that post to let you know how successful I was. First up, I … Continue reading

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Spanish Sangria

My big vacation last month involved 2 days in Barcelona before heading off on a Mediterranean cruise. I don’t know how much you know about Barcelona but I’ve found it full of giant amazingly designed buildings, surrounded by mountains and … Continue reading

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Packing Tips

For my big vacation, I had a bit of a time figuring out how to pack for the trip. I’ll be gone for 10 days, I’ll be seeing varying temperatures, some days I’ll need to dress modestly and others more … Continue reading

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Vacation Time!

Things will be a bit slow around here this week. I’m out of town celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband. It’s been almost 10 years since our first date and he’s still putting up with me, I … Continue reading

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