Monthly Archives: April 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! I had some friends come in from out of town and some projects I’ve been working on so I’ll be back Tuesday with new updates. Enjoy the extra time with your family and have a good holiday!

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Hot Cross Buns

Until last year, I don’t think I’d ever eaten Hot Cross Buns. I’d heard of them but only in the sense that I learned to play that song Hot Cross Buns on the recorder, the yamaha digital piano, the powerful … Continue reading

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April Centerpiece

This month’s centerpiece theme is based around Easter. I’m loving purples and greens this year for Easter so I painted some dollar store Easter eggs with some Krylon Make It Stone spray paint. Then I topped them off with some … Continue reading

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April Task List

How is it April already? I can’t believe we’re already a quarter of a way through the year. It got warm so fast I had to jump out to tend my beast of a yard instead of finishing indoor renovations … Continue reading

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