Gnocchi with Shrimp, Asparagus, and Pesto

I’m back with one last Lenten meal for you. This one is another healthier-than-fish-fry kind of meal courtesy of Cooking Light. I love that this recipe uses asparagus that’s in season (unless you live somewhere that just had another 14 inches of snow like I did) and has some of that delicious gnocchi I cannot get enough of lately.

gnocchi and shrimp

This meal only takes about 10 minutes to cook and there aren’t many dishes so you can use your Friday night for something other than dinner. Do any of you do a blackout night on Friday? I’ve tried stepping away from the computer and phone for those nights to just devote to some couple time or some reading. It’s easier some nights than others (if the husband is gaming it’s hard for me to stay offline too) but I made it through 3 books last weekend and got back on track for my Goodreads goal.

Have a good Easter to you all! I’ll be back next week with some color inspiration.

Gnocchi with Shrimp, Asparagus, and Pesto


  • 1 lb asparagus
  • 1 pound peeled and deveined large shrimp
  • 2 quarts water
  • 1 (16-ounce) package gnocchi
  • 1/2 cup pesto


  1. Chop asparagus into 1 inch pieces. Heat up a skillet.
  2. Bring 2 quarts water to a boil in large pot. Add gnocchi and boil for 2-3 minutes until the gnocchi rises to the surface. Strain.
  3. While the gnocchi is cooking, saute the asparagus in the skillet for 4 minutes. Add the shrimp and saute for another minute. Mix in the gnocchi and the 1/2 cup of pesto and cook for another 3 minutes until done.

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Salmon with Cheese Ravioli

If you’re like me you’re 2 Fridays away from the end of Lent and are maybe a little sick of all that fried fish. Don’t get me wrong, I love seafood and love fish fry (St. Ferdinand in Florissant has the best in STL if you were wondering) but this is the time of year I’m usually just about done with the same meal over and over again.


As a lighter alternative, salmon and cheese ravioli seems a good change. You can throw in a fresh lemon and some fresh spinach to really embrace the spring produce coming into season. This recipe takes only about 20-30 minutes so it’s weeknight friendly so it’s perfect for a Friday or any other night.


Salmon with Cheese Ravioli


  • 1-8 oz package refrigerated four cheese ravioli
  • 1 lemon
  • 2-6 oz frozen salmon fillets, thawed
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1-6 oz package baby spinach
  • 1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1 Tablespoon butter


  1. Cut lemon in half. Make a thin slice from each side and reserve.
  2. Spray a glass pan with aluminum foil. Place salmon in pan and drizzle one half of the lemon over both pieces of salmon. Top each filet with a slice of lemon and 1/2 tablespoon pat of butter. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until flakey.
  3. While salmon is baking, boil water and cook the ravioli until it floats to the top. Drain.
  4. About 5 minutes before the ravioli and salmon are done, heat olive oil in a pan. Saute the spinach and garlic in the pan and squeeze the remaining lemon half on top.
  5. Serve with salmon on top of spinach and the ravioli on the side.

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Thin Mint Bark

The best thing about March has to be Thin Mints. It can’t be the weather (high was supposed to be 60 and I saw snow) and it can’t be the days off work (that would be 0) so it has to be the Thin Mints. Last year I celebrated with an alcoholic overture to the cookie but this year I made a chocolate bark.


The key ingredients here were 2 bags of dark cocoa melts, 1 bag of green candy melts, 1 cup of mini pretzels, 3 Thin Mints, and some sprinkles.

thin mint bark

Place a single layer of pretzels in a pan lined with wax paper. Melt your chocolate in 30 second intervals until smooth when stirred. Repeat this process with the candy melts. Pour the chocolate on either end of the pan and pour the candy melts into the center of the pan. Swirl the chocolate and candy melts into a pattern. Toss on crumbled Thin Mints and sprinkles. Place the pan in the fridge for about 20 minutes before breaking apart the candy bark and enjoy!

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Botanical Garden Inspiration

Last year one of my favorite experiences was seeing the Lantern Festival at Missouri Botanical Garden. The gardens are always beautiful but the lanterns were gorgeous pieces of art in a beautiful landscape.




That last one there was so incredible. At night it lit up and breathed smoke. Purchase Soil Online with amendments and additions to make your own soil recipe. My favorite at night was this one:


Seriously, how gorgeous are all the reflections? I’ve profiled the gardens on my old travel blog and I have to say that even without the lanterns that place is beautiful. I came away from that visit so inspired by what I could do in my own yard. Can you just see adding lights to a water feature in your own yard to play with texture?

I was pleased to see the gardens suffering from the same effects of drought that my yard was. Even the pros suffer too! I realized I was just fine in many of my plant choices and sometimes living in Missouri means bad years. I’m hoping this year will be a better one. Tomorrow will hopefully be the last snowfall of the season and I expect the rest to be melted by Friday. I won’t plant then because I’ve got a Muse concert to see but Saturday this girl is putting on her shoes and planting grass seed.


Back on topic to the cooler plants though. The botanical garden has a plant finder tool to help you decide what plants around Missouri and the gardens will work in your own yard. I used it with some of the photos I took of the hanging baskets in the garden.

It was very helpful to talk with a tree removal near me before making some landscape changes to distribute the space even better.


This basket has lantana, swedish ivy and coleus in it. I learned from the plant finder that lantana blooms in July (when I was there) and that it resists drought well which is probably why it was thriving so well. Bonus: it attracts butterflies.


This basket also has lantana but this time it’s paired with a licorice plant. Crazy how you can get such different planters both starting with the same species.


This basket has vinca, spurflower, and spider lily. The finder tool helped me to see that all would do well in the shade meaning I can still have a gorgeous basket even in the darker corners of my yard.

What do you use for garden inspiration?

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Another month

My life hasn’t seemed that blogworthy lately. It’s been hard adjusting to 2013, a year where I seem to be sick or exhausted at every turn. I promise to try to make more of an effort if you promise not to judge my lapses and lack of major DIY. With spring coming I’m hoping to escape the house soon and get out in the yard. Right now my yard is filled with 6 inches of snow being rained on and snow is about 20 minutes away again. Last year at this time I was regretting not already planting grass so my March 1 deadline for 2013 seems a bit off. I’ll let you know when I get there.


So what has my life been like lately? Full of work. I’m really trying to reshape my department at the job I don’t blog about and I have tons of ideas. Since I don’t want to share details of my work too much (don’t want to lose this job!) I’ll share some highlights of my day that I kept inside my head without any real details.

  • While reviewing old files came across what looked like black mold. Sneezed. Worried this means I’m dead and realized dead people shouldn’t be worrying.
  • Went to a higher-ranked person with a file and got this as an exact answer “I promise to look up that thing you asked and give you a vague and confusing answer” and then 4 hours later he delivered exactly what was promised.
  • Spent 20 minutes discussing why my software cannot work more than 2 weeks in a row with my tech consultant buddy. He gave a lot of tech speak but I think it was something like “we do not want you to achieve greatness” which I get. Don’t want to make everyone else look bad.
  • Found a dead spider in another file. Wondered if this was better/worse than mold. Then realized file should be in a different location and sent it on its way. Yes, with the spider inside. No one will ever open it and if they do they will remember why they shouldn’t have.
  • Work. Lots of work. No details here because it makes my eyes glass over so yours will too.

Then I went home, dreamed my software worked and then for what seemed like hours I input data into that software. I used to dream these outrageous things like my dog was on trial for being Fidel Castro and now I dream about filing and typing numbers. I really need to get back to a hobby.

I do have some crafty ideas. I’ve bought some pots for a garden decoration, I’ve bought what might be the beginnings of a Mother’s Day gift idea, and tomorrow I’ve got a special pork loin recipe that just might make the cut. I don’t cook dinner that often now since I arrive home last in the evenings. I usually prep the meal while Daniel cooks it. I’m a bit of a control freak (and I don’t want to do burgers and Easy Mac 5x/week). Sometimes I just let him run wild and he’s been getting very creative. He’s taken to watching America’s Test Kitchen and Cook’s Country and I’m hearing requests for gumbo or being advised on the proper knife techniques. I won’t complain if he makes dishes like the maple mustard salmon he made a bit ago.

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Top 5 Books of 2012

I’m a reader. Sadly last year was one of the first where I didn’t hit a minimum of 50 books read. (I blame 3 jobs, 2 major illnesses, and a running program) I did end up reading a lot of very long books (an average of 500 pages each) so I was pleased about that and I did end up reading some really great books. I wanted to share my top 5 books for 2012 and hear if you have any recommendations for 2013.


Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson

Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess is one of my favorite bloggers. She’s funny and beloved by the internet and she uses all that charm and love to accomplish some awesome things like the traveling red dress and a Christmas miracle. Her Beyonce story is still one of the funniest things I’ve read (and it’s in the book). I wondered to myself if I really cared enough about some stranger on the internet to read a memoir and I wasn’t sure even as I picked up the book. I just wanted to read some funny things like on the website. When I read the book, I found I liked Jenny IRL (okay, in book form) even better than her internet form. Jenny has battled a lot in her life but her humor, honesty, and taxidermic lifestyle really made this book into a fun read.

The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley

I have a weakness for historical fiction. This doesn’t involve a ton of “famous” people in history but it does partially include figures like James I. If you love Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series this book is partially set right in the middle of that. If you’re more into the fiction part of historical fiction this book has a love triangle or two, a gorgeous setting, friendship, and the writing of a book. I loved this one and plan to devour some of Susanna Kearsley’s other novels.

The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney

The Mockingbirds might be classified as a young adult book or maybe new adult but it’s a snappy book that really emphasizes empowering young women. It’s set at a boarding school, it involves secret societies, family relationships, and a bunch of strong women. There’s also a dark plot it follows involving rape but it’s not a story about rape. I first read about this one on Forever Young Adult and they did not leave me astray. If you’re wondering about the title, it does and it doesn’t refer to Harper Lee’s classic. You’ll have to read it to see what I mean.

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers

This book is a tough one. Dave Eggers immersed himself in Abdulrahman Zeitoun’s life while writing this book and it’s packed with so much emotion that it is often hard to read. The book is set in and around Hurricane Katrina and Zeitoun’s time in the storm and in the world of the unknown. I still have tears come to my eyes when I remember parts of what he saw in New Orleans. That being said, Zeitoun has been in trouble with the law lately too. I can’t tell if this changes how I feel about the book. The text and suspense of a book that plots out a time I lived through is still haunting. Without reading the book you might not understand how hard it is to reconcile the Zeitoun of the book with the one in the news, or how easy it is to understand all at the same time. If you want a gritty read that will make you ask “why?” about everything, this is the book that will do it.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Another young adult book but I refuse to apologize for loving this one. The best parts involve love, passion, mystery, and friendship. This book starts off right away talking about cancer but refusing to be a cancer book. I’m a cancer survivor and I was hesitant to start this tear-jerker worrying that it would bring back hard times for me but it was so uplifting. I started it right after I wrote my resolutions post and it was so fitting. This is a book on how to live your life and how to let go of your fears. I’m sure everyone and their mother have recommended this book to you and if you still haven’t read it, you need to take this as your final nudge.

I’m finishing my second book for the year right now and I’d love to plot out a reading list so I can stay on track. I’ve added a Goodreads widget to my sidebar on the right so you can follow along with my reading. Share your 2012 favorites and your 2013 goals in the comments!

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Chicken Soup for the Sickness

gnocchi soup

My new year did not start off quite as planned. I spent New Year’s Eve at work, then at a lovely gathering at a friend’s house. By the time I made it home from her house I had a fever and chills. I managed to get some awful cold (though thankfully not the flu) but I’m still recovering. I’ve got some medicine helping me fight this thing now but I don’t think I’ve had this many illnesses in years. I hope it’s just a fluke!

gnocchi soup ingredients

When I get sick, I always like soup. This soup I’m featuring today is so much better than the Ramen I tend to grab from the store. This is a copycat recipe you can find almost anywhere  based on the Chicken and Gnocchi Soup at Olive Garden. I’m not a huge Olive Garden fan (blasphemy in my Midwest city) but I do like to make a big pot of this at home. It has so much goodness in one pot: chicken, fresh veggies, gnocchi, garlic, and cheese.

gnocchi soup pot

Chicken Gnocchi Soup

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes

Yield: 10 bowls

Serving Size: 1 bowl


  • 4 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 minced garlic cloves
  • 1 cup onion, finely diced
  • 4 Tablespoons flour
  • 1 quart half and half
  • 1 pound potato gnocchi
  • 1 cup carrots, finely diced
  • 1 cup chicken breasts, cooked and diced
  • 1-14 ounce can chicken broth
  • 1 cup fresh spinach, coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon parsley
  • Freshly grated Parmesan cheeses


  1. Heat the butter in a dutch oven over medium heat. When melted, saute the garlic and onion until the onion is translucent.
  2. Add the flour and stir until the flour has browned and a roux is formed. Let it cook another minute, then add the half and half stirring until fully incorporated.
  3. Let the cream mix thicken while you boil the gnocchi in a separate pot. Strain the gnocchi after it is fully cooked and set aside as you prepare the rest of the soup.
  4. Once your cream mixture is warmed and has thickened, add in your carrots and chicken. Slowly stir in the chicken broth. Let the soup thicken again and add the gnocchi, spinach, and parsley.
  5. Serve your soup hot and topped with some fresh pepper or fresh grated Parmesan cheese.

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Take 5: Month 1- The Kitchen

Last year, each month I posted a to-do list for 2012 from Get Organized Now. I still love them and highly recommend checking them out. This year I want to swap out how I plan my household to-do lists.  I want to give each room in my house equal amounts of love and opportunities for improvement. Each month I plan to write out 5 ways to improve each room in the 28/30/31 days.

For this month, I’m starting with the kitchen. This is the most complete room in my house and only needs some finishing touches. Here are 5 things I want to tackle:

1. Paint the ceiling

I repainted the room but some paint hit the ceiling. A good new coat should make the room look more complete.

2. Seal the grout

When I did all my tile I had to let the grout rest before sealing it. I think 6 months is plenty.

3. Clean out the fridge

Time to check those expiration dates and use up some condiments with some creative recipes.

4. Create a dog station

My dog Nova has a little corner of the room with a dog bowl but I think something that says she has her own little spot would be more than welcome

5. Un-Christmas the Kitchen

I still haven’t taken down my Christmas decorations from my ladder bookcase. In fact, the whole room has little touches of Christmas all around. It’s time to pack it all up and give my bookcase a new look.

What room of your house will get updated first in 2013?

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On Resolutions

I’m not the kind of person who makes New Year’s resolutions. I’m the kind of person who wakes up in the morning with an idea, spends hours planning the idea out, and then jumps into it before I can change my mind. I know not everyone gets that kind of an itch like I do so I get the appeal of a new year to be used as a clean slate or a fresh start. If that’s your plan, then go for it. If you sort of expect that in 6 weeks you’ll have already given up, then maybe there’s a different way.

turkey trot

On my 26th birthday I decided it was time for me to try to be healthier. I’m a cancer survivor and I’d finally reached that critical 5-year point most survivors look to as proof they just might make it. I don’t even think I’d realized I’d been holding my breath until I finally let it out. I didn’t want my goal to be losing weight (though like many people I welcomed the possibility) but rather I wanted measurable proof that I was healthier. I’d seen my body become so weak once, my lungs strained when I walked, my bones hurt under my skin, and I felt afraid to move on with my life. It was time for me to take action.


I got a Wii and a Wii Fit and some fitness games and started building up strength. It wasn’t easy. I also took up running and made it into an activity my whole family could enjoy. I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving morning this year. Then 2 weekends later I ran another one 2 minutes faster than my last. Even better, when I went to my regular oncologist visit I saw real proof I was getting healthier–my blood oxygen levels were at their best since I had started chemo almost 6 years earlier. There it was again, letting out another breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

pushing daisies

I went on a long trip this year. The kind of trip I never thought I’d take. One day I just took the plunge and realized if I lived my whole life waiting for some sign that I’d be waiting a long time. Part of living through each day as a cancer survivor is the uncertainty. It’s hard to plan a trip 6 months down the road when you think in the back of your head you might not be okay in 6 months. But being alive is about taking risks, living in the moment, and enjoying what you see. Spending every day dreaming “next year will be different” was preventing me from living, truly living. I knew I had to get back to being me again and I couldn’t wait for that elusive date in the future when it just might happen.


My whole year this year was a year of accomplishing the dreams I’d put on hold. I hadn’t held a steady job since graduating college. I’ve known for a while that holding temporary jobs was a way for me to be available to leave a job in case I got sick again but at some point I’d apparently decided I wasn’t going to put my life on hold like that again. I took a job that isn’t just a job but a place where I can grow a career. Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of safeguards I’ve put in place should something happen to my health. I just try to live my life knowing there’s a lot of possibility in my future, especially if I put my mind to it.

Source: via Tobi on Pinterest

For me, holding back on a goal until January 1st of the next year rolls around is putting your life on hold. It’s saying you don’t believe in yourself yet but refuse to make any preparations to get yourself in a place you can succeed. If you keep making the same goals year after year are you really reaching your potential? If you plan to set a big resolution, maybe resolve to be more open to possibility. When you get those little nudges of inspiration, be willing to listen and take some big steps forward. I’ve had some set backs in those moments but I’ve also seen and done things I’d never trade.


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Glitter Ornament

You’ve probably seen these glitter ornaments all around but naturally I had to have a go at it. These were surprisingly easy. You’ll need two funnels, mop and glow (I used an off-brand), clear ornaments, and some fine glitter.

glitter ornaments

I poured about a half tablespoon of the mop and glow into the ornament via the funnel, then I placed my thumb over the top and gently swirled the cleaner around. Make sure to get it coating the entire inside of the ornament. Don’t shake it, that will make bubbles. Use your second funnel to pour in about a tablespoon of the glitter. Now you can place your thumb over the top and shake it till the glitter coats every last inch. Pour your extra glitter out to reuse on more ornaments or another project.

glitter ornament diy

You can let it dry a bit right on your tree. That’s how easy it is. Here you can see how I paired up the gold ribbon ornament and the gold marble ornament with my gold glitter ornament.

gold ornaments

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas this year. I’ll take tomorrow off to spend with my family and hopefully I’ll have some fun things to share later this week. Happy Holidays everyone!

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